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RE: [A/S] Hopeful for the Haddaway leadership

Several others have made similar comments regarding the Haddaways.  Only
time will tell.  As the CCD and vintage A/Ss continue to drive down the
average age of A/S ownership, the WBCCI HAS TO CHANGE or become irrelevant.
I was disappointed with the survey results, but given the huge demographic
skewing of respondents to the 66-80 age-group, as well as the majority being
current or former officers, the results were predictable ("the club only
needs a tune-up").  The attitudes and atmosphere at the RM VAC rally is the
direction that seems to resonate with those of us still working, while the
tradition-based, caravan centric model is preferred by the retiree crowd.
Maybe the WBCCI just needs to recognize that the club is really becoming two
distinct cultures and adjust accordingly.   

All summer long, a subgroup of our local unit has been holding unsanctioned
get-togethers at area state parks (no official rallys all summer).  As we
were not gathering under the WBCCI umbrella, we dispensed with the BlueBook
rules and traditions and just agreed to have a good time, no agenda, no
hosts, no planned meals, just campfires, great pot-luck meals, breakfast @
10am, supper whenever, mixed with lots of  sharing/visiting...basically like
a mini version of the RM VAC rally.  Interestingly enough, although we
invited any and all members of our local unit to join us, only the younger
crowd availed themselves to the opportunities.  Several of us even reached
out to those retirees that we felt shared similar thoughts, but again, it
was the working members of the unit that attended.  

I think part of the culture differences is due to the desire by those of us
still working to escape all the rules and traditions mentality, while those
retired seem to miss that part of the working world.  I also feel that there
is a another difference, the retired crowd is basically WWII, Korea era vets
and have a fairly strong sense of "yes sir", while the younger crowd is far
more prone to say, "why" and very unwilling to accept "because" or
"tradition" as a valid answer.   

I know that for our part, this summer and the past two RM VAC rallys have
certainly shown us that while the people in the WBCCI are the salt of the
earth, the organization and its culture are out of touch with many potential
A/S owners.  Just as A/S undertook a bold experiment with the CCD and is now
seeing record sales, largely due to the CCD, the WBCCI needs to consider the
potential of creating two groups under the WBCCI umbrella (a caravan centric
group and a relaxed, less organized group that is allowed to create it own
culture and values).  The alternative is along the lines of what happened in
northern CA where over 100 WBCCI members pulled out and formed their own

Of course, these are just my observations and thoughts, but in talking to
many others, I have found similar feelings.  
