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Re: [A/S] Brake Controllers (Again)

Harvey - Thanks for both the re-cap and the update: very timely for me, as I
was at my local RV shop today inquiring about the kelsey-hayes unit. The guy
showed me a pair of pendulum/inertia units. When i asked him about the
hybrid k-h controllers, he warned me off them - he's still carrying the tees
and other fittings, but as you mentioned, the controllers themselves are no
longer available. Furthermore, he indicated that they wouldn't install them,
anyway, due to 'liability issues'. We live in interesting times, don't we?
The better, safer (albeit 'older') technology is no longer available, due to
'liability issues'...
    Anyway, I'm thinking i'll follow Harvey's lead, and install a
hydraulic/hybrid controller in the Jeepster puller (If anyone has a lead on
one, let me know? thanks).
    Here's my question: How difficult would it be to set up two vehicles for
a hybrid controller, and switch the same controller from one to the other?
Any ideas for 'quick-connect' fittings for hydraulics?

'48 Trailwind
'50 Jeepster (90's power-train)
Reno, NV