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Re: [A/S] discoloration

The interior walls of my 1975 Sovereign were badly discolored with what
appeared to be tobacco residue.  I tried De-Solve It without much luck,
some scrubbing with a powdered cleanser with less luck, and was about to
give up.  While talking with
Krista Dial at the Olema Rally, she said to try Nature's Orange.  I
found some at Home Depot (Janitorial section) and the gunk just melted
away.  Amazing stuff.

It's made by TreWax, and RJ and Krista said it could be found at Safeway
stores or Home Depot.  Try that and see.

Some of the discoloration didn't come off....the surfaces are vinyl-clad
aluminum and whatever it is had really penetrated in some areas.  Next
shot at it will be the 50-50 bleach/water solution, and if that doesn't
work I suppose I'll have to paint.

If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to jump in here.  I'm
sure there are many of us who'd appreciate the help.
Roger Hightower
1975 31' Sovereign....WBCCI 4165....VAC