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Re: [VACList] Frame & underbelly pain & suffering

Did I mention how much misery loves company? I know have a schedule 
where the sheet metal man comes over from 0800 to 0945 everyday, does 
some work on the AS and gives me detailed instructions on how to 
proceed for the rest of the day. Also coaches me on safety in running 
all my new tools of destruction without too much injury. A neat tip: 
when you start up the power angle grinder with a wheel on it (as 
opposed to the wire brush) hold it out at a right angle to your body 
and let it run for about a minute. If there's a crack or it is deciding 
to fall apart and disintergrate (did you know they were capable of 
that??), it will throw the little pieces of scrapnel away from you. 
then you can use it with some degree of confidence. Feel better do you? 
I don't.
    Anyway, I've yet to run the sawzall (it's not a "real" one, it's a 
Makita reciprocating saw - if only the surgeons in the Civil War had 
had those tools! anyway, the bellypan is gone now and the underside of 
the frame toward the rear is worse than I'd hoped. The insulation is 
all full of mud and dust so I'm going the full pesticide type 
respirator and coveralls etc. as well. Unless the plywood floor is 
really bad where it goes up under the wall skin, we're leaving it 
intact and will put the new wood in as giant patches - at least that's 
the plan de jeur.
     Is your health insurance payed up and current? Signing out to go 
sand sprackle - I'm also redoing my bedroom.
Jo Ann