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[A/S] Re: refrigerator

Thank you for the explanation as to why you choose the Tundra.  I 
have been thinking about what you explained, regarding the use of 
12volt DC frig. instead of the standard LP and 120volt AC, frig.  I 
can't help but think of the nights when we could not get electric 
hookups. It was a hot night and we would run our fans now we would 
also have the added drain of 12 volt frig, I wonder how long my 
batteries would last?  

I have located a man here in Pa. that has offered to rebuild my 
model RM2101 for the cost of $300.00.  I am very pleased since I get 
to keep my nice raised wood panel wood doors.  Also my frig. will be 
like new again.  I removed the frig. tonight, it took about one hour 
of my time and I will drop it off to this fellow tomorrow.  By the 
way, removing the frig. is a real tight fit down past the stove and 
