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Re: [A/S] Digest Number 1771 Buy new, used, or vintage?

  I have noticed over the years that the stick built trailers start 
to develope skin cracks at about the ten year mark depending how much 
they have been towed. My AS built like a B 29 is 26 years old and the 
skin and substructure is just great. I have owned several mass 
produced with the latest technology units over the years and not any 
of them comes up to the AS. Not a one of those I had could boast 
cabinet doors the fit and certainly not a one had an entrance door 
that stayed in alignment for more than a year at a time. My AS door 
works great and has never needed to be adjusted. I just took the 
factory tour and was very impressed with the build quality. I do work 
in the mechanical field and a lot of my shop time is spent on RV's. 
There is a differance in trailers. Thanx ....Arnie