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[A/S] Re: Long distance to ISP?

Hi Elisa, 

After collecting my email and seeing no one else in the room with me,  I'm
very likely to surf the web for a few minutes (at the pay phone on the lodge
porch or at the phone jack in the recreation hall), especially if I'm using
a local number and not the 800 number. Granted, I don't stay on-line very
long but the process of getting on line to surf is the same as at home.

As for sitting in your Airstream and surfing the Web for hours, that will
require doing the same thing you did when you first moved into your house.
Call the phone company and ask them to install a phone for you - at your
campsite - in your Airstream. Usually installation is a one time cost of
around $50 and then $15-20 a month to use whatever service you select (like
at home), providing the campsite is in a well established park (not
boondocking in a farmer's field). <grin>

Easy stuff, huh?
