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Re: [A/S] Trailer Tires

 the tires I mentioned had on the side, load range C 1750lb at
 50psi. I have seen lots of Goodyear tires on trailers load range C
 infact I spent time just looking at trailer tires before I finaly
 phoned Tech services to see if the company I worked for even made 
 trailer tires.
  Like I said they told me yes they did, they made them for Ryder
 or is it Rider the truck rental company. Even my local tire dealer  
did not know they made trailer tires. But he has since bought some
 for his own trailer.
    To end the story I even wrote the Canadian head office last week
 to ask why they keep them a big secret. Could be you and some on the 
list are right and they are no good, but they have worked fine for me 
for the last 3yrs. One other reason I bought them of course is that I 
get a 65% discount on the tires of the company who pays my wages. 
so what other tires would I buy
          Brian in Canada