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Re: [A/S] AS

Hi Henry,

I don't know anyone who likes to be told they are you? (c:
I think it's the nature of email lists to have talkers and listeners.  Many 
of our subscribers do their talking on the vintage list, but audit this list 
We are up to 450 subscribers now.

I'm going out on a limb here.... I think the people who are attracted to 
Airstreams are not the shrinking violet type.  I shouldn't generalize I know, 
but the people that I've met just aren't shy and are happy to share their 

 <Maybe that is the reason for people not getting involved.  Without making 
anyone feel bad, this site seems a  bit "clickish" and I noticed the same 
when I am surfing around other  AS sites. >>

I'm sure you might be right, but you have to understand...because of the 
WBCCI and the rallies many of us have met so we are not a bunch of strangers. 
As we are friends we might seem to be cliquish to someone who is new here or 
hasn't met any of us. We might have "inside" jokes and such or tease each 
other which comes from familiarity.

<It seems  that those folks who have had AS for a # of years 
 are a bit short of time for those recent Airstream owners.>>

Now here's where we are way apart... I disagree.  I think the people here, 
the experienced owners have been more than generous with their time and 
knowledge.  No one *has* to answer any questions, but so many do.  It's okay 
if we sometimes disagree on the answers...the questioner has to weigh the 
answers and see what works for him.
One subscriber, Tom Patterson, has made a website and archives all the high 
points for newbies.... Look at any reply Terry has ever made.. they are long 
and precisely detailed.  I've named two which is maybe unfair to all the many 
people who have taken time to help newbies... hell Henry, we've had 
subscribers go some distances to help others by looking at trailers they were 
thinking of buying.  I think quite a few of us have bought our trailers 
because someone here on the list was watching out for us..

 <<On a personal basis, I bought the AS for what it is. I don't feel a need 
 to belong to an AS group, or be "inspected" to see if I am worthy of 
 an AS.>>

Suit yourself, no one is making you join are they?  The thing is, those of us 
who you are accusing of being cliquish are actually friends because we did 
choose to join an AS group and we get together and have a blast.  I don't 
personally like everyone I meet at rallies,(you can't like 1,000 out of 1,000 
people you meet) and I'm not crazy about the big big rallies like the 
Internationals... but I can't wait for Sarasota next month... I'm looking 
forward to hanging out with my friends, from this list, that will be there.  

I don't know where you live, but if you came to Sarasota and introduced 
yourself to me I could then introduce you to the others and you might enjoy 

I have to agree with Mr. Cooper about being pushed into being an officer... I 
would have faded away quietly too as I don't like to be railroaded. It's 
unfortunate that he had that experience.  Like I said I donlt like everyone I 
meet in the WBCCI.... and I've made some valuable friendships because of my 
Airstream... many more friends than people I don't like.

 <<Thanx for the chance to sound off. Henry >>

You're welcome, that's what we're here for. (c: Your letter and Mr. Cooper's 
should spark some interesting dialogue.

TN for now