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Re: [A/S] SmarTire Monitoring System

I found out a Sears store in Jacksonville, NC would install a 6 tire setup on
my 34' 6 wheel trailer for $229.95 + $10 per tire for instillation. I went to
a local Good Year tire store and got a quote of $850.00 to install the
SmarTire System and 5 new load range D Marathons on the trailer. I have a
spare and two new load range D tires is the reason for the 5 new tires on a 6
wheel trailer. Sears would have done the same job for $49.95 less, but they
are 80 miles away from my home in Wilmington, NC. The local Sears store here
sent me to the Jacksonville store, so all Sears stores do not do the
instillation. The local Good Year store did not do them either until I gave
the manager the phone number to call and get setup as a dealer for SmarTtire,
which he did. I will be his first customer on 11-6-00 at 8:00 AM.
I am installing the SmarTtire system and the load range D tires in preparation
for an Alaskan A/S Caravan next summer.

Joe Scudder
WBCCI 8624