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RE: [A/S] Honda EU1000 - 16 foot Bambi

I ran across the KOPOR gensets from a RV products rep that calls on our
dealership routinely.  They make a 1000, 2000 and 3000 watt unit.  They seem
to be a reverse engineered Honda unit in virtually all respects.  They have
been selling them in Canada for several years according to the rep and the
reputation has been solid in that market.  They are being sold in the US
under several labels apparently including the KIPOR label.  The price is
certainly right (about half the Honda or Yamaha).  By the specs, they are
slightly noisier than the Honda or Yamaha comparable units, but only
slightly so.  Looks like they are a good value, but only time and use will
tell the story.  I personally have the Yamaha EF3000i-SEB as I wanted to be
able to run everything (ie AC/Heatpump) and electric start as well as
operating the genset on propane were important to me.  I may look into
picking up one of the KIPOR 1000 or 2000 watt units to have handy for
boondocking when I know there will not be any need for the AC or HeatPump.
