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[A/S] Re: Brian - control manuver for you

I've done this many years ago when trailers started to sway and it 
works great.  I almost didn't buy a Hensley because of all the times 
it worked for me.  But it can make it easier to jack knife the rig in 
a wet curve if you overbrake the trailer.  You need a light touch 
then, at a time when adreneline is pumping you up.  Speaking of wet, 
the friction brake anti-sway devices we used then became useless in 
the rain.  You could back at a severe angles without them complaining.

> Trust me, this technique does work and it works best if you don't 
panic and
> keep a clear head which I realize can be difficult to do when your 
life is
> passing before your very eyes.

Besides depending on a clear-headed driver, it means you have to 
fight the instinct to brake with your foot, which will just make it 
worse, especially if you have a controller that doesn't apply the 
trailer brakes sooner and a little harder than the tow vehicle.  
That's why the Jordan Ultima was the only alternative for me to the 
tap-in-the-line hydraulic controllers I used to install.

Other factors that swayed me (pun intended) to the Hensley are that 
I'm nowhere as quick as I used to be and there's a gut that I didn't 
have years ago fighting me from bending forward to reach the 

Besides that, I've never had to do a Hunter manuever, a sports car 
lane change to dodge a cow standing in the road.  I imagine one could 
drive 30 years without such an incident.  But I can't imagine doing 
that manuever _without_ something to help keep the rig straight.

These things sold me.  
WBCCI 5446