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Re: [A/S] Re: To Tarp ..... or not to Tarp?

Having just spent 3 long days going up and down ladders to scrub and then
replace rivets and caulk on the 15 & 17 foot awnings...I am going to spend $20
on silver tarps as often as I need to to avoid having to do it again!  (Until I
get my big garage.) (Large expenditures of time and elbow grease give me time
and motivation towards preventative actions.)

The accumulation of crud is what works on the finish (if any), the seals,and
caulking.  It also accelerates corrosion of the aluminum.  A cover also
protects the seals and caulking from the sun's action, drying and cracking,

Your questions on mold...If it's on top of the trailer, you need to scrub it
and the dirt accumulation off to prevent skin problems.  If it's inside the
trailer, you need to stop the source of the moisture (leaks?), clean it, keep
it dry and ventilated to prevent further mold and mildew...The tarp covering
the trailer won't cause the mold if it's not there to start with.  And the
mold/mildew won't grow in an unfriendly environment.

Final question:  should we even bother?   YES!

Judy White
72 27’ Ambassador
WBCCI #5040, VAC