Streak Leak

Silver Streak Message Board: Message Board Postings: Streak Leak
By Jandolin Marks on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 11:52 am:

My little 17 footer (1965) has a leak. I am not sure what is causing it, but the drips come from the vertical screws that hold the cabinet up. The cabinets are above the main couch, and only one cabinet leaks.It has affected the wood above where the screws are, as well. It may be the vent causing the problem, and we should find out soon. We are also looking for a replacement for the water filter under the sink. I love the little spigot, and want to use it. The oven is missing a thermostat, heat sensor, and I love to bake, and drive the neighbors nuts.(yes...I share) Does anyone have sugggestions on oven repair? It's a little turquoise stove.

By James on Friday, October 10, 2003 - 06:13 am:

You may want to check the seams above the cabinet on the roof. There is a seam all the way across where the front curve meets the roof and this should have a good seal of kool seal roof patch.
You can use a small paint brush to apply. This is also just about the area inside where the front cabinets are connected to the frame. Also, check the seal around the front roof vent. This should also be sealed all the way around.