MacGregor/Venture Web Ring Logo

Welcome To the MacGregor/Venture Web Ring homepage. This ring was started so as to allow MacGregor/Venture sailboat owners and others with interest in MacGregor/Venture sailboats to more easily locate and browse the various MacGregor and Venture pages which exist on the internet. This provides a way for those who have an interest in these sailboats to locate and keep in contact with others with the same interests. Additionally, through these sites on the ring, viewers can receive information as to modifications others have made which may be of interest to them.

For those having pages with MacGregor/Venture content, membership in the ring should generate more site traffic, as viewers are provided with information as to the existence of the sites.

The ring is now operational. For those who are interested in joining, please submit the application form below. Our ringmaster will then contact you and supply the html code required on your web page. Please note that membership is not automatic. Members of the ring will determine if a site is appropriate for membership in the ring. Also, continued membership requires that a site maintain material suitable for the membership as a whole. If a site changes, so that it no longer meets the "suitable material" rule, it may be removed.

If you would like to see more detail as to how the MacGregor Web Ring functions, click on the web ring links below and follow the ring around to the individual member sites.

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