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[A/S] Telephone hookups

When we pulled into the Christmass Airstream park outside of Orlando 
I noticed this bulletin for the permanent type people.

"It has come to our attention that the telephone company will no
 longer hook up telephone service to RV's that do not have a type
 B weatherproof cord. This is a 16 gauge, 3 wire (BK)ring,(W)tip
 and (G) ground; yellow pvc insulated flexible cord.

 Individuals that choose to use regular telephone extension lines/
 cords are susceptible to exposing their units to an electrical
 energy pulse that could destroy their unit.

 Individuals not utilizing the B waterproof cord between the 
 telephone jack and their unit are absolving liability to no one 
 but themselves"

Have not seen this in any other park we have been in or seen any
of these cords. Anyone got any comments?
